OVH / Linux Two network cards (nic), two gateways. Gateway for one ip address. Two Gateways. VRACK IP Failover

eth0: ( route like a normal )

eth1: netmask ( OVH )

# make this IP append to table Route1
ip rule add to table Route1
ip rule add from table Route1

# this IP push directly to eth1
ip route add dev eth1

# and main think, put default route for this table
ip route add default via dev eth1 table Route1

IPTABLES cPanel script set outgoing IP as dedicated

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -m owner --uid-owner *USERNAME* -j SNAT --to

Do I need to comment that? 😉


Oh, wait. Maybe some script to do it easier?

for file in /var/cpanel/users/*; do
        fname=$(basename $file)
        ip=$(grep "IP=" $file | cut -d "=" -f 2)
        hip=$(hostname -i)

        if [ "$ip" != "$hip" ]
                echo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -m owner --uid-owner $fname -j SNAT --to $ip

[POSTFIX] How to check if user exists in case of postfix proxy Exchange with Active Directory / LDAP

In case if postfix is Exchange proxy mail filter,
much email going to spamassasin (grow up load), and then relay to Exchange
( made fake reply to non existing address ) so it’s good idea to check if recipient exists:

This is in case of EFA – work nice.

1) Install postfix-ldap package
2) nano /etc/postfix/
3) Insert:

server_host = srv.domain.local

search_base = dc=domain,dc=local
bind = yes
bind_dn = CN=Some User,OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=domain,DC=local
bind_pw = [******** Your PW here *********]
query_filter = (|(mail=%s)(proxyAddresses=smtp:%s))
leaf_result_attribute = mail
# result_format = %S OK
result_format = OK

4) Modify your /etc/postfix/ to achieve this one:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =  permit_sasl_authenticated,
                                check_recipient_access ldap:/etc/postfix/, hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access,

5) service postfix reload

6) tail -f /var/log/maillog

If some user shoud be passed, but it’s no in active directory,
edit /etc/postfix/recipient_access
and put:    OK

postmap /etc/postfix/recipient_access

Done. Enjoy!


UBIQUITY Unifi, Windows 2008R2 RADIUS + SSL Setup – Integration

1. Add valid certificate to MMC, Local computer, Personal, Certificates. Cert should be signed, valid and probably not wildcard!

Intermediate cert shoud be placed in correct folders ( Trusted Root CA, etc. )
Remember to have imported SSL With private key. If it is without private key, do:

Get cert serial number from itself,
at cmd: certutil -repairstore my „SerialNumber (

2. Configure Windows 2008 R2 RADIUS

Add radius client: Enable, Friendly name: Unify_AP_01  IP:, Secret: P@ssw0rd,

4. Create new network policy:

Overviev: Enabled, Grant Access, Ignore User account, Type of network: unspecified.
Conditions: Nas port type: Wirewless IEEE 802.11 _ OR _ Witreless – Other
Windows Group: Domain\Wireless Users
Client Friendly Name: Unify_AP_*
Authentication method: Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP)
Edit it, select cert from point 1, Enable fast reconnect, Leave only Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP-2)
Ok, back to auth methods,
Leave 2 first checkboxes ( MSCAHP-2, User can change expired pass )

And configure Unify:

Settings ->WLAN Group -> Your WLAN

Set IP of Your RADIUS, password from first screen. WPA-Enterprise
IP, port 1812, P@ssw0rd
Radius1: IP, port 1813, P@ssw0rd



WINDOWS XP, IPv6 configuration. OVH sample. VSphere working.

// chaos begin 😉
ipv6 install

// check index of interface
ipv6 if

// change default prefix ( WAN = Local Area Network by default )
netsh interface ipv6 set interface „WAN” siteprefixlength=54

// set ipv6 address ( 8 its interface index )
ipv6 -p adu 8/2001:41d0:b:110::1

// set default route
netsh interface ipv6 add route ::/0 „WAN” 2001:41d0:b:1ff:ff:ff:ff:ff